I Should Have Built An Ark – Seriously

We are on day two of nonstop rain.  I hope our plants do not decide to drown or better yet I hope they do not get used to this rain we have had – because if this year is like any other year, this will be the majority of our rainfall.  Only crammed into 3 days.

Saturday about 6 or 7 PM it started to rain.  It was nice and unexpected, in fact it cooled off rather quickly – which screamed hail to me… but that wasn’t the case.  Apparently a “cold front” had dipped down and we were experience real rain!  RAIN!  No crazy winds and thunderstorms that were capable of producing softball size hail… no sudden downbursts… just rain.

A pleasant surprise.

Well Shala was out of town, and so when I got up on Sunday morning it was still raining – again kind of surreal for us… but happily I accepted the fact and tried to persuade the dogs that they would not melt if a drop hit them.  Shala flew in after noon and so I picked her up and it was still raining.  Well, sprinkling.

This continued pretty much the rest of the day and when I hopped up to take the dogs out this morning… RAINING.  What is going on… really… we are worried that we have stepped into Seattle by accident or something.  Very strange deal.

Our dogs are sitting under the porch wondering what the hell has gotten into us, creating all this rain and stuff.  Shala said Mikey ventured out into the yard this morning tippy-toeing around.  He is such a girl.  Izzy on the other hand thinks God is trying to spray her with the waterhose or something and just runs like crazy if she makes it out, then slides back under the porch.  She will never make it as a water dog/retriever… sad.

I did get a crapload done on the tree – but haven’t taken pics just yet.  Will try and get some taken today and posted as soon as possible.  Hoping to finish it up this week – will be a big chore off the ever-growing list.  Yay. 

Happy Monday everyone… wish we could share some of these temps and rain with everyone else.

Perfect chance for some “rain” inspired music right?  Why not…

Rain – Beatles

Like The Rain – Clint Black

Songs About Rain – Gary Allan

No Rain – Blind Melon

November Rain – Guns N Roses

Have You Ever Seen The Rain – CCR

Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain – Willie Nelson

I’m No Stranger To The Rain – Keith Whitley

The Rain – Missy Elliot


Let It Rain – Eric Clapton (suggested by Kate – the manic gardener)

2 thoughts on “I Should Have Built An Ark – Seriously”

  1. Hey–you missed Clapton’s “Let It Rain,” one of the best. I’d thought of making a compilation of rain songs; you’ve done most of the work for me. Thanks!

  2. @themanicgardener – what do you mean I don’t have it on there? 😉

    Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the song suggestion.

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