Fighting The Fight: Fattracking Friday (2-1-08)

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A new month.  What does it mean?  More opportunities (good & bad), more time and a fresh start.  As January is long gone, it seems to me that it was an all around good month.  I can’t complain with the weight loss – probably dropped about 10-12 lbs this month.  Always good to see those numbers.

However it looks like I ended started this new month – gaining weight.  Booo.  Yeah, I had a rough week – my support system was gone and my weekend seemed to carry on into the first couple days of the week.  Meaning I ate some things I wasn’t supposed to. 

We still didn’t get our treadmill in, which sucks – since I figured it would be in by now.  I am so ready to get going on it and get some cardio in.  Soon enough I suppose.  In a week or so, I will be saying…

“Who’s idea was the damn treadmill anyway?!?”

So the scale let me down today, wait… I guess I let myself down.  Regardless, here is the total for this week.


215.4 lbs.

That is a gain of .6 lbs.  Which isn’t bad – considering the week I had.  So although I’m not super happy with it, I am not mad either.  There are going to be weeks like this – and as long as I am not gaining pounds… I can handle it.


“Mama said there’d be days like these…”

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