This weekend we decided to visit a garden center that we haven’t been to before. If you are familar with our area (so in other words, you live here) it is off Old Hwy 80 or “Business 20” between Midland & Odessa. You know, out by Airline.
Garden View is huge and though it had a lot of plants there weren’t very many different or unique plants, which I found a little disappointing. The plants that they did have seemed very well taken care of and all were very healthy. Even though I thought that we didn’t need any more plants we quickly found reasons to buy some. That seems to be the way it always turns out.
We have a small flower bed right outside our vegetable garden that already has some great flowers growing. There are a couple of blank spots that have yet to fill in and our dogs seem to think that those spots are where they should lay, so we decided to fill them with sharp objects those spots in and thankfully neither one of them has laid on the new flowers YET. Don’t hold your breath.
When we saw these Ageratum Blue Hawaii flowers we knew that they were perfect for our spots. They look more purple in the pictures but in person they are a really pretty blue. I’m going to try to get some more pictures to see if I can capture the true color.
They enjoy sun light and are drought tolerant. We are pretty good about watering but when we go out of town this summer I want to make sure that we have something that isn’t going to die before we get back. I really love how the flowers look like little blue puffs and they have tons of blooms on them.
Here is one planted in its new home.
They seem to be enjoying it so far and we have already seen a couple of new blooms. Supposedly they will bloom from now until late fall and that makes me very happy.
During this trip we also decided to pick up a couple more Vinca plants to fill in the flower bed by the shop. Izzy has done so much digging and walking around in there that we decided a couple more plants would do it good. These are ground covers and we hope that they will start covering pretty soon so that the little princess will keep her butt out of there! The first ones we bought were just solid white so we decided to get some with a little color in them, I picked pink of course.
They are still alive and have not been stepped on yet. Man, I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sure they will be trampled by the time I get home from work.
Here is a picture of James carting around our goods. I’m lucky that he will look at flowers with me. I know that he would rather be picking up more veggies, but he never complains and even gives his input. What a good husband!