Finally A Cantaloupe?!?

Welcome back everyone from a long holiday weekend.  Hope everyone had as good a time as we did.  We spent it with family and did a whole lot of nothing… it was awesome.  I have never had such a good time just sitting around outside, eating, playing games and just hanging out.

It was good stuff.

Today at lunch when I went home I took a minute and ran through the garden to check things out.  I was suprised to see what I think could be the start of our first Cantaloupe of this year.  I snapped a picture of it, tell me what you think…

Baby Cantaloupe Pictures

I snapped a pic of it a little closer up… I do believe we have our first one on board.

Baby Cantaloupe?

3 thoughts on “Finally A Cantaloupe?!?”

  1. I do believe you have a baby melon! Congrats!

    Once you get your bumper crop of cantaloupe, here’s a good recipe I just tried over the weekend if you’re interested. It was fantastic and a really tasty salad on a hot summer day. The combo of melons and prosciutto was darn tasty. Okay…so may the wine helped a little too.

    Escarole Salad with Melons & Crispy Prosciutto

  2. @Heidi – thank you thank you…

    I would like to thank the academy and my wife for watering all those times. Also like to thank the sun and…

    all our commenters of course. 😉

    recipe looks good. thanks. wine too.

    @deb – I will probably go home and pet it. I won’t lie.

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