Green Garden Give-Away (#4): Be Smart Be Green Eco Bag

Those of you late to church… we are all looking at you and pointing.  Yup.  Don’t be late again.

Just kidding.  Kinda.  But seriously, we are doing these give-aways to celebrate National Gardening Month and hopefully motivate some folks to get out there and garden.  Or at least be a little more green.  Do something, hell anything in celebration of National Gardening Month.

Today’s give-away (give-away #4) is provided by Be Smart Be Green – an awesome company that has some killer eco bags.  I’m sure you have seen them at the stores by now.  The “green” bags.  Well, these bags that Be Smart Be Green have eat those bags for lunch… in a totally eco-friendly way of course.  Let’s get to the bags shall we?

Be Smart Be Green Eco Bags!

Now are you getting the idea?  These aren’t your run of the mill grocery bags… these are stylish totes for any occasion.  If you are not familar with LoveMaegan – she is the brainchild of Be Smart Be Green and be sure to check out her blog as well.  You will be happy you did.  Here is a link to ALL the bags they offer.

Commenting on this post will register you for this give-away, so get to commenting.  Tweet it, blog it or whatever you can do to help spread the word.  We would (and probably have) do (done) the same for you.  SPREAD THE WORD!

29 thoughts on “Green Garden Give-Away (#4): Be Smart Be Green Eco Bag”

  1. These are some great looking bags. It’s nice to have a choice in design– especially when the design helps promote our message of responsibility to sustainable environmental policies. So, why not look stylish, too?

    I think we’ll have to explore adding one (or more) of these to our growing collection of shopping bags for trips to the farmers’ market and the store.

  2. I have been refusing to buy reusable bags, figuring I already own lots of “reusable bags” in the form of giant purses, totes, etc. I come home from the grocery store with stuff falling out of my purse every time I go. It would be awesome to have one of these in the car!

  3. We make it a point to always take our reusable bags when shopping or even just toting stuff around. Could always use another sturdy bag for those trips to the grocery store!

  4. See, now these are something I could make use of in my zero-yardspace upstairs apartment to get in the gardening spirit. If I won a bag, I’d use it to go buy some Cat Grass (“Cat Grass,” who are they kidding, it’s mostly wheat seeds) for my little gray terror.

  5. I have 3 re-usable bags and for some reason I always seem to buy more than will fit in my 3. haha
    I love the look of these!!

  6. I would like to have the Eco Mom one. because you know me, im all about the environment. Well I do my part at least by not throwing trash out the window. Anyway. Sign me up.

  7. ME ME ME ME ME ME!! Pick me!! OH OH OH!! Do you KNOW how many of these bags it takes for us to do our weekly shopping at the Ballard Farmers Market? Then there are trips to the library and back and forth to parties and neighbor’s houses and… and… and… you get the point…

    ME ME ME ME ME ME!! Pick me!!

  8. I am always running out of these, and maybe a cool one would remind my husband to start taking one into the store once in awhile!

  9. I LOVE those bags. I’m getting the materials together to make some washable produce bags so I don’t have to use the little plastic ones. Wish me luck!

  10. I’ve been using tiny denim grocery bags for 10 years (I got them in a craft department), and I have a couple other larger bags. We keep one in the car at all times, but it seems like one is never enough!

  11. I love grocery totes- but those might be so cute that they are a little higher on my tote hierarchy- craft store or library duty for these!

    Count me in!

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