Happy Earth Day Everyone!

This is still the only earth we have, so that is why earth day is so important.  If you do nothing today but pitch a few cans in a recycle bin, you are at least respecting this beautiful earth we were given to live our lives on.  With all the green initiatives going on around the globe, we felt it was time to link up all those companies doing something (no matter what the reasoning) to help the environment.

Read about Earth Day at Wikipedia

Simple Choices… Big Differences (Wal-Mart)

Waste Not, Want Not (IBM)

Searching For Solutions (Google.org)

Save Energy, Reduce Waste (Best Buy)

Green on MSN (Microsoft)

Yahoo! Green (Yahoo!)

Fuel Solutions (Chevrolet)

The More You Know (NBC)

Everyone is getting on board with the whole “Green” thing, so why aren’t you?  We recently made a trip to HEB (our local grocery store) and while we were there we noticed they were selling the bags that replace the plastic bags.  One of our friends had said that she got some and so we did the same while we were there. They were about a dollar a bag and we grabbed 5 of them.  It isn’t much, but it is something that can be done easily and quickly and believe it or not, it will make a big impact is more and more people follow suit.  See below for a picture of the green grocery bags.

Heb Bag to help the environment.

Make this Earth Day an important day to you and your family and lets start making these little changes that if adopted by everyone, could start to turn this environmental crisis around.  It isn’t too late.

Update: Julia Roberts was on Oprah and they were talking about using reuseable shopping bags when going to the grocery store.  We are pretty sure Oprah reads our blog and then plans her coming shoes by it.  They also talked about replacing your current light bulbs with CFLs.  Again with the copy cat stories?  Tisk tisk Oprah. 😉

There was a good book on Oprah from author – Sophie Uliano called Gorgeously Green: 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life.  Cool book with lots of tips on composting, product selecton and organic information.  She had some worming composters on there seemed fairly cool – but I’m still not to sure about the composting thing just yet.  We have a small bucket we are composting gardening scraps and clippings.  That is about as far as we have gone.

2 thoughts on “Happy Earth Day Everyone!”

  1. yeah i saw some of those in the line at walmart the other day. im getting some of them next time but the checker was already half way through bagging my stuff.

  2. yeah, they are pretty cool. They hold like 3 times what the regular bags do, and they don’t break either. We bought 100$ worth of groceries and it fit in 3 bags.

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