I wanna give a big Happy V-Day to everyone and I hope you get to spend it with the one you love. I will be spending mine with my wife, fellow blog-mate & best friend. Those are all the same person, its not some crazy 4-way or anything. Silly. We traded gifts yesterday – because we make our own rules when it comes to holidays. 🙂 She gave me the ENTIRE box set of King of Queens (27 discs) on DVD. She loves me – and I love her. Love is getting a big IPS truck full of dvds with “Heffer-legs” waving from the driver side. Or at least it is for me.
Aaannnnddd I got a beautiful diamond necklace with earrings to match. 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone especially James. I love you!
is “IPS” as “ASSUME” as “U”PS?
I assume you think thats its ups on the show eh? its not. 😉 it is ips. 🙂
thought you got me didn’t you?! Come on… I ain’t Benny.