New Murdered Out Wheel Barrel

I guess it isn’t new really, since it looks like it could be 15-20 years old… but it is new to us!  As I said in my post yesterday, part of my mission on this past Saturday was to get the wheel barrel painted (or murdered out, if you are hip and cool like me).  I picked up some flat black and first thing Saturday morning – bang… I hit it with some paint.

 I discussed the “murdered out” thing yesterday, but basically it is when you take flat black and just paint every piece of an item (in this case a wheel barrel).  This leaves it completely absent of color and kind of makes it cool.  haha  Kind of.

 My plan is to now create a stencil that will mimic the old True Temper USA(I believe that was what it was) logo, but make it say something like… Double Danger USA or something to that effect.  Haven’t figured that out yet.

 Here is a pic, along with what it looked like before – pimp your wheel barrel is officially on.

This is the wheel barrel before.

The wheel barrel before – looking shabby.

Wheel barrel after being murdered out.

The wheel barrel afterwards…

4 thoughts on “New Murdered Out Wheel Barrel”

  1. It looks rad dude. It makes me think of how long I have till i have to start murdering out my hair. The grays are coming in faster than you can eat a weinerschnitzel.

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