I hate the Cowboys. Mainly because of people like this guy that we snapped a pic of last weekend in Odessa. I’m sure when he bought his car his first thought was…
“Holy Moly… I need to get a kickass silver car so it will match my precious Cowboys!”
You know that is how it went down. Then he went straight from the dealership to the NFL shop to pick up all the awesome decals, stickers and other various bs that he could adhere to his ride to help make it more cowboy-ish.
Looks Cowboy-ish already. Like Brokeback Mountain Cowboy-ish.
If your counting… that is 1 license plate thingy, 3 decals on the trunk, 5 stickers on the back windshield – and we didn’t even get to see the front or side of the car. I’m sure he had spinners on his wheels with Cowboy’s nonsense dangling and probably star headlights or something.
while I know that dude went a little overboard – I know a guy *ahem* that used to walk around the office decorated with FORESKINS bandaids on his FACE! So lets not go down that road!
PUT DOWN THE HATERADE! Don’t hate the playa, hate the game.
dude… one bandaid does not cancel out 9 decals on a car. I think that was halloween to.
Regardless of the team – it is a bit overboard.
but still – a 20 something year old man, IN TEXAS, wearing a team flavored band-aid – you’ve got to rate that at at least 4 car decals…
granted, the guy in the car is way overboard – it’s just hard to call the pot without noticing the kettle…