I woke up at 7 this morning (a Saturday) – to pull this winner for you guys/gals. I hope you understand my dedication. My love… for giving away free gardening goodies to the masses. I’m not going to beat around the bush for 2 paragraphs in order to do it today – my brain hurts.
So the winner of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Composting is…
Congrats to Deb – who has been entering these things every time… and losing every single time too – until today! Check Deb out over at Aunt Deb’s Garden (blog) – she is an awesome gardener to follow & a fellow TEXAN! Good job Deb – you did it!
Also – a big thank you to Chris McLaughlin for sharing her book w/ us – and signing it! Since she is a superstar in the gardening world, that signature could be worth something at some point. 😉 On to the next one… NEXT!!
I’d love to try this product.