Fighting The Fight: Fattracking Friday (2-1-08)

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A new month.  What does it mean?  More opportunities (good & bad), more time and a fresh start.  As January is long gone, it seems to me that it was an all around good month.  I can’t complain with the weight loss – probably dropped about 10-12 lbs this month.  Always good to see those numbers.

However it looks like I ended started this new month – gaining weight.  Booo.  Yeah, I had a rough week – my support system was gone and my weekend seemed to carry on into the first couple days of the week.  Meaning I ate some things I wasn’t supposed to. 

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9 Rap Songs I Choose To Live By

Gangsta NerdSince I was young, I have always been fascinated with rap music.  Yup… a fat, white, middle class Texan kid bangin’ 2pac.  Go figure.  I was the kid that didn’t wear thuggish clothes or anything… didn’t have chains, an occasional crooked hat.  I just had a love for the music.  So as I am grown now, you would think it would have wore off… but that is not the case.

Rap music is in my soul and if nothing else it has tought me lessons in life.  These are the 9 rap songs I choose to live by and my reasons for doing so.

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