Fat Boy Chronicles: 4/11/2008

I can change the title up if I want to… it is my post.  I do what I want around here (if Shala lets me).  This week wasn’t bad at all.  At least the eating part.  Still didn’t do a bit of exercise… man I have to get going with that.  I’m not proud about all this not working out stuff.  Let us just ignore it and talk about the good stuff. 

Maybe it will go away.  haha

I had a trip yesterday to the DFW area and so my eating was kind of jacked up, schedule-wise.  I didn’t cheat or anything, ate a salad and made the best of it.  Trying to stick to the script is hard when you are on trips.  At least for me it is. 

So lets get to the good stuff already…

My weight for this week is 206.2 lbs.

If you have been following my weightloss since sooooooooo long ago, you will know that I have lost a total of 33.8 pounds as of today.  I lost 1.6 lbs since this week, which is great since I had kind of been in limbo for a while.  Or at least it seemed so.  I am proud of myself, and I am so stoked to be 1.2 lbs from 205.  205 has been a goal of mine for a long time.  I can’t honestly remember the last time I weighed that.

Maybe by this time next week I will be high fivin’ people because I hit that mark.

2 thoughts on “Fat Boy Chronicles: 4/11/2008”

  1. good luck with it, bro. i’ve lost eight pounds since i came back from midland. im sure itll plane off but imma keep at it. i wann get back down to 200lbs before the summer. im wieghing in at 206 right now.

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