Want A Free Vacuum?

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Free stuff is cool.

The internets have come together once again to give away free things.  This time, those free things will help people clean their floors. 

Mama Kat is giving away a vacuum to those that follow the super strict rules she has set and if you would like to participate… then your wasting your time here reading this dorky (we are bringing that word back, I think) post about vacuums, when you could be reading hers.

The rules are actually fairly simple, so why not throw your hat in the ring (that isn’t a rule, its a saying) for a chance to win a Hoover vacuum?  Seriously.  Your floors are dirty.  Last time we were there… we almost threw up.  Twice.

Even if you don’t need a new vacuum, hell you could sell it and make some money.  But really… you need it.  Trust us.

If you don’t sell it on ebay for a nickel, you could give it to the needy.  Like yourself, who REALLY needs to vacuum.  **nods**

Are you still here?  Reading this post that is rambling on about absolutely pointless stuff, instead of winning a vacuum cleaner for your dirty ass floors?  Sad.  Move on already.  Or vacuum.


For you gardeners, be sure to head over to Garden of Eatin’ for a chance to win $10 worth of seeds.  How cool is the internet these days?!?

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