Double Danger’s 1st Contest Winner!!

Ok… so you guys totally lacked in the area of contest participation… 

So we had to just draw for the 8 iTunes Song Downloads.  We really did want to give away the rest, but no one wanted it.  😉 

So, without further delay, lets get to the winner of free music.

Bridgette Wins Double Danger's First Contest

Bridgette came over from Kathy’s blog (Mama’s Losin’ It) and she will be getting the goods in her inbox soon enough.  She has her own blog (The Not So Blog, Blog) – be sure to check it out and pat her on the back for a job well done.  Or something.

Congrats to Bridgette, and we will try to figure out a way to give away the other stuff soon enough.

Oh yeah… I’m back from Nerds Unplugged 4… so your computers should be working fine again.

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