Dumpster Diving

On Sunday James took out the trash and came back with this!  He really didn’t have to do much diving.  It was just sitting right next to the dumpster begging him to give it a good home.

Free plant stand

Its a nice, sturdy little plant stand that needs just a little love and care.  We plan to sand and paint it and figure that it will look good as new.  James was so proud of his little find and so was I.  I hate all the waste these days and I’m glad that we can use this to help decorate our patio.  The best part though is that this gives me reason to buy more plants!  The container plants that I have in the garden are sun lovers so I’m now on the lookout for some that need a lot of shade.  I can’t wait for the weekend! Woohoo.

8 thoughts on “Dumpster Diving”

  1. What a great find!! My “Maine Man” had two lovely old antique wire planters sitting in the potting shed and this year I decided to do something with at least one of them.

    Terra-Cotta Project

    They’re filling in nicely and look very pretty on our back deck, which is shady, for the most part.

    Can’t wait to see what you do with it.

  2. I’m so jealous! What a cool plant stand. Wish I could find something like that. Right now I’m looking for an old toilet, I want to have some plants in both the bowl and the tank. I know, wierd right?

  3. Thanks everybody, glad you all thought it was as great as I did. I’ve got a pretty great husband for finding it for me.
    Heidi your pots look great!

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