Putting The Peppers To Bed

Our first raised bed is now full!! 

Actually is has been for a couple of weeks, but due to life we are a bit behind on posting.  James is so busy at work that it is overflowing into gardening and blogging time (and wife time!) and well my excuse is that I’m awful at blogging.  I’m going to try to be a lot better and keep you all updated on things going on now instead of things that happened two weeks ago.  Don’t hold your breath, like I said… I’m trying.

Annnnd now back to the peppers.

This bed was reserved for and is now full of sweet peppers.  We eat a lot of peppers, like, A LOT.  Raw on sandwiches, salads and cooked in just about anything that you can cook them in.  We had a few plants last year but they just didn’t give us the amount of peppers we were looking for, so this year we planted quite a few plants.

Sweet Pepper Gardening Bed 

In this bed we have California Wonder Bells, Sweet Bananas and Summer Salads.  Five plants of each type and so far they are all doing great.

A few of the plants were a little small when we planted them, but we have been protecting them from the harsh winds with the awesome row cover that James built along with the bed and they seem to be doing just fine.  Also we got the irrigation set up a while back – so after a few modifications… it is doing it’s job!

There have been many plants going into beds, barrels and other various containers and I will do my best to get us all caught up this week. 

4 thoughts on “Putting The Peppers To Bed”

  1. I like your raised bed construction. Trying to figure out how to make one myself, I am not too handy. I’ll look for earlier posts to see if you put up anything about plans. Congrats on the pepper plants, they look super happy!

  2. Well, I think your peppers will be very happy there! And the irrigation system will really help. Happy Peppering!

  3. So jealous… haven’t yet been able to bring peppers to life here with any real results. We’re going to try them again this year though! Not giving up yet!! This year, they’re getting hoop houses… whattaya think?

  4. Karen – We are loving the raised beds. This is our first year with them and we are glad that we went with them. We don’t have a how to on the site yet, but I bet if you are nice to James he could quickly give you the basic directions!

    Heidi – We hope they are happy. James did good on the irrigation system and they seem to like it.

    Shibaguyz – As I’m sure you know peppers love the heat! That is why they grow so well here and not as great there. You guys just get to much rain and cloudy days (I wish that we would get ONE cloudy day with rain!). I think that hoop houses are a great idea!

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