But not all days have funny stories.
In fact, the last couple of weeks and the next couple to come were/are filled more with sore elbows, creaky fingers and late nights. There are some funny things sprinkled in to keep the comedy in the back of your mind, but for the most part it is straight up hard labor.
We are into our second week of the remodel/revamp/renovation and we are definitely feeling it. We really have got a lot done, thanks to the team we had over the weekend. Seriously, these guys & gals were working their butts off – and all we could do is feed them and keep them as happy as possible… they wouldn’t except our wages.
That is what family does I suppose, but really – they went above and beyond.
We had Shala & Myself all of last week. Also my Mom made it over a few times last week after work and helped. I was able to get Friday & Monday off of work so I had full days that day to be able to work. Shala’s Dad was able to spend the majority of the day Friday at the house also, not to mention My Stepdad who was able to shake loose from work on Friday around lunch. Shala’s Mom showed up not long after that and My Mom was back. Once Shala got off, we had a pretty full crew.
Saturday Shala’s Brother & his wife joined in bright and early, along with everyone else mentioned above and Sunday was the same.
But just to give you an idea of what got accomplished since Tuesday of last week… here is a quick list (and I’m sure I will leave out a lot):
Removed all baseboards throughout the house.
Mudded the Den that had panelling along with sanding it to make it appear like it had normal walls.
Textured all the ceilings throughout the house to cover up old horrible texture job.
Textured Den, Office & Master Bedroom walls and applied a California Knockdown texture effect.
Primed & painted Den, Master, Office, Bedroom #1, Bedroom #2, Sunroom, Living Room & Dining Room.
Primed & Painted all baseboard that were new and didn’t need to be removed, window treatments and doors.
Painted all closets bright white, along with laundry room and other small areas.
Removed all the carpet & padding in all the rooms with carpet (Den, Master, Office, Bedroom #1 & Bedroom #2.
Scraped, swept, vacuumed & mopped all rooms with carpet that was removed.
Installed new ceiling fan in the Den.
Installed all new 3 prong plugs throughout the house along with new switches.
Redesigned the Master Bedroom closet, demo/rebuild/rewire/drywall/mud/texture/paint included.
Repaired fence in the backyard.
Repaired gates in the back & side entrances.
Redesigned Vanity portion of the master (not yet completed), have all the pieces anyhow.
Replaced A/C vents throughout the house (still on-going).
Mudded over horrible texture in the kitchen that previous owners throught was cool to do in only a few places and leave big gaping gaps here and there and look stupid – so we had took care of that for them. 😉
Primed kitchen, preping for paint.
Cleaned, cleaned & cleaned (and continue to clean).
Demo’d built-in cabinets from the 1960’s that made our Master Bedroom NOT functional – added another foot to the room.
Made 9,000,000,000 trips to Lowe’s, Home Depot and the liquor store to allow for everything above to happen.
Not to mention we spent 7 billion dollars over the past couple weeks… but hey… who gives a…
Quite a list eh? Thought we were joking huh? Nope. We have carpet being laid today, and then we have baseboards, trim and crown molding to put up. Not to mention the hall has to be painted along with the baseboard in there and the kitchen. Yup, it never freakin’ ends. Oh wait. And we have 4 new ceiling fans to put up, 4 light fixtures and about 8 or 9 a/c vents.
I could keep going… but then my wife would bean me in the head with a shovel and jump off a bridge.
I promise we have done our best at trying to capture most of the transition in pictures, but hell… we missed some. SO!
Get off our backs already. Sometimes you forget, and sometimes your fingers hurt to bad to push down the lil button on the top of the camera. This is one of those times.
So enjoy a few choice photos with my attempt at a humorous tagline and then you can go about your business today. That is if you are still reading and haven’t jumped off a bridge yourself. Welcome to Wednesday.
This is the Den before we bought the house. Dark red painted panelling… SUPER overcrowded and gloomy.
This is the den after – minus the baseboards & crown molding & carpet of course… but freshened up a bit.
This is the Living Room & Dining Room before we bought it…
This is the Living Room/Dining Room after – with fresh paint, minus the crown molding. Actually, this was the only picture we had… so its more of the Dining Room with a lil bit of Living Room – but still… you get the idea. We will do better!
This is the best picture we got of the sunroom prior to move-in…
This is it with a fresh coat of paint, of blue…. who would have thought. We have big things planned for this room, just wait.
Here are a few shots of stuff that just need to be seen, we have lots more to show, but need to take better pics. The first one, our big pile of trash & stuff that got taken out of the house.
This one is of the old dishwasher that we are replacing (as soon as ours comes in), it cracked us up that it had a slider for “Clean/Dirty”. Dirty was definitely what we left it on.
This next one is the Master before we got started and it had a tiny closet that we demo’d and made HUGE. You can also see the edge of the vanity that we are totally redoing in the next couple of days. The vanity that DIDN’T have a plugin AT ALL. Seriously.
Another Master pic with the awesome colors… and imposter furniture of the ex owners still in it. Not to mention their awesome paint selection that made the room look so dark and sad.
We could go on and on, but we want to drag this out so you guys have more to read when you get bored. So we will give you an update when the carpet is in and we have some more progress made. Just wait.
when you guys are done, you should come down and work on mine. ive got projects out the yang that i have no time, energy, or inclination to begin.
😉 – I think it actually would be “come up”… your north from us. But I’m just saying… haha
I was suprised at what we got done, and amazed at how much left to do. Oh well… keeps me occupied.
Y’all wanna hire out? Just sayin’…
@Janie – For the right price…
I’m just saying…