Thompson & Morgan Seeds Hooked It Up!

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You know all those seedlings we keep talking about, and the plants we keep offering locals left & right?

They showed up one day from Thompson & Morgan Seeds, FREE OF CHARGE!

Yup, they were kind enough to donate seeds to our cause… so how could we say no?  We couldn’t.  In fact… to be honest… we begged.  We begged until they wouldn’t take our calls anymore.  Then we begged via email.  Then on twitter (do they have a twitter?… nah – but we tried).  Once we had gotten kicked off of every type of social media and mobile device there is…

They gave in.

OK… OK… we kid.  But they shipped us a nice assortment of seeds and lots of them at the moment are seedlings (being hardened off).  My how time flies huh?  We meant to get this post out when they came in… that is how far our backlog is.  Who knows, the potatoes we talked about a couple days before… are likely harvested and in with that Roast we ate last Sunday.  You getting this?  Me either.

Sorry got off track.  Let’s keep it moving.

Check out the goods we got from T&M Seeds…

Tomato (Totem F1)

Gherkin (Diamant F1 Hybrid)

Tomato (Pomodoro Il San Marzano Lungo)

Ageratum (Blue Danube F1)

Cucumber (Lemon)

Bush Bean (Modus)

Sweet Pepper (Mini Belle)

They were too kind with the seeds and already we have some great looking plants.  We just planted some of the flowers last weekend, Shala was in charge… I have fat fingers, they don’t work all that well when sowing seeds. 

Planting Ageratum (Blue Hawaiian)

Shala is putting together a post with the tomato seedlings, so expect that soon.  We can’t wait to see how the seeds do this year, we will be keeping tabs on them.  So, by default – you will be too.  If you are looking for seeds, be sure to pick up your seeds from Thompson & Morgan Seeds.  They have a HUGE variety of seeds.  AND… you get free seeds with each order.  Which is always cool…  we are in a recession after all.

A BIG thank you to TMSeeds for hooking it up – we can’t wait to show off some of the fruits of our labor when the time comes.  Stay tuned!

** of course the “Free” seeds actually were a trade for the banner you see on the right. Thanks TMSEEDS!

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