American Idol Review

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America did a good job last week voting off 4 people.  I’m very proud of you America, give youself a pat on the back.  However, there are still quiet a few that grate on my last nerve.

I have to be honest and say that there are a couple that we listen to the first few lines and then fast forward through their entire performance. Thanks goodness for a DVR.  I just can’t do it, I can’t sit there and listen to those people and watch how horribly uncomfortable they are up there on that stage.

I’m not going to say which ones I fast forward through because, well I just don’t want to be that mean, but I will tell you my favorites and who I thought did a really good job this week. 

My number 1 has to be David Archuleta.  He has so much control over his voice, its so soothing and let’s be honest, he is adorable.

Out of the other guys I enjoy Michael Johns, David Hernandez and Danny Noriega.  I actually thought that Danny was really good during Hollywood week, but last week was a disaster.  I think that after he watched the show he realized that and came back fighting this week.  He had a really good performance and you can tell that he loves the spotlight.

I’m having a harder time with the girls this year and I think that it’s because there have been so many great ones in the past.  Last week I really liked Ramiele Malubay, but this week she let me down.  This week my favorite was Brooke White and I love the fact that she can play the guitar.  She really showed her talent this week.  Syesha Mercado is another favorite, if you recall she is James’ favorite, aka “the fro girl”.  I didn’t think that her performance was the best this week, but she can really sing, I think that she just needs to find the right songs for herself.

Simon can be a little harsh sometimes, but most of the time I agree with him.  I think that the really good singers take what he says to heart and try to get better. 

I’m looking forward to the top 12, that is when the show really gets good.

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