First of all – I would like to welcome those sleep texters coming to our site by way of all the various publications that ran the story from Yvonne Villarreal (by way of Columbia News Service). A few months back we recieved an email about a blog post I wrote regarding “Sleep Texting” (Read: All Alone: Sleep Texting). The email was basically asking if I would mind being interviewed about my sleep texting. Of course being the person I am, the kind that will do anything in the world to help someone help others or at least bring attention to certain issues… I agreed to the interview. Or maybe it was the slight opportunity to promote Double Danger?!? Nah.. never. 😉
The interview was simple – I aced it. haha Really it was just about my habits, the occurance itself and all that mess. So afterwards I thanked Yvonne and asked for a plug for the website if possible. Marketing 101… you know. Since doing the interview, I had honestly forgotten about it completely.
This morning Anna sent me an email with the subject line…
Hitting the bigtime.
I didn’t even get a chance to read it until after lunch, thinking it was a forward of some kind. Before I headed out for lunch I checked my email and saw an attachment and it was a scanned newspaper article from the Austin American-Statesman. It looks like the paper syndicated the article (click here for scanned image) from Columbia News Service in it’s Life & Arts section. You can read the digital article via the Columbia News Service on their website by clicking here. I am wondering where else this article could have been syndicated – so if anyone is in a metro area and has yesterday’s paper, check it out and let me know. Email me a scan if you can, or give me the paper name and I will check it out. Would like to see it in each paper. I know… it is dumb. I want to put it in my scrapbook and draw happy faces around it. Seriously.
I would like to thank Yvonne Villarreal for the plug and the awesome article. Apparently this is a bigger issue than I thought. Issue isn’t the right word here… topic? I dunno. It was funny to read a few other people doing the same thing. We have seen a few people come to our site via searches… looking for “sleep texting” or “texting while asleep”… things like that. So we figured other people had to be doing it. Funny to know for sure.
Thanks to Anna also, for finding & sending in the article. 😉
Other marketing news…
Looks like our little site is getting bigger everyday. We are seeing visits per day & unique searches going up & up. Being the stat nuts that we are… we have seen this all double in the past month. We like that. Gardeners are coming for our great pictures, handy gardening how to(s) and of course our funny stories. BBQ searches are going through the roof. Summer is coming quickly and so everyone is trying to learn how to be the best barbequer they can be. The ribs post is likely the biggest provider these days with people wanting to know how to BBQ pork ribs. Double Danger has you covered.
We have shifted focus this past month or so to being a blog/website about lots of different things… to being primarily about Gardening Tips & Barbeque Techniques. I know some of you have seen this shift and some like it, some don’t. I wish we could please every single person; however I do not think that is possible. So we are going to continue to do the things we love, and everyone is surely capable of sticking around if they like it… or leaving if they do not. We hope you stay.
Our RSS feed is heating up as well, with folks wanting to keep in the loop with Double Danger and what we have going on. Summer is an exciting time for us and we hope to keep you up to date on everything… but you have to sign up!
Hey dude, really cool!!!!! It is time for you to print out and frame it!
how did you go about getting this thing set up so that so many people would catch it on random searches?
Corey – I already have a frame being made. Custom. 😉
ghost – I’m the king… I didn’t tell you this?
Hey, Mr. Big Time! That was in Austin’s Saturday paper, not yesterday. I’m not sure why I scanned the article, non-texter that I am, but your name jumped out at me. I had to bring it in to show Anna what a famous B.I.L she has. I’m making a batch of brownies to commorate your celebrity tonight. Pretty daggum cool.
Patty – haha @ Mr. Big Time. I can’t believe you read that and just happened to see it. What are the odds? Death to your brownies… I say that because I can’t even look at them until after Sept. Everyone will know why later. 😉