Living Green

Flip Our Flowerbed

This past weekend we poured half a day into fixing the front flower bed located in the front of our house.  Actually this started back on New Year’s Eve when we spent a large amount of the day pulling grass out of the flower bed.  Then of course we didn’t get all the grass, so we hit it with some Roundup – and figured we needed to till it up anyhow.

That is where I come in two weeks ago and till the whole thing up, and we spent the rest of the day pulling grass out and finally leaving it to haunt us.  Shala did get the bulbs planted along one side, but the other side was just sitting there yelling at us…


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Make A Difference: P&G BrandSAVER

I am going to try and post things from time to time that will help everyone that reads this blog “make a difference” no matter how big or small.  It might be something as small as making a difference in your relationship, something as large as saving our earth by drinking bottled water of a certain brand… or it might be as simple as unplugging your phone charger when you are not using it.  Regardless, it will be something that can make an impact and if enough people do it and it becomes habit – it can really make a difference.

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